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Research Methods in Practice

Sample set of submissions

2022 Edition

Below are a complete set of submissions, plus marking criteria and feedback for an imaginary student on this module.

This imaginary student selected a sub-topic on test-potentiated learning (Potts & Shanks, 2014) in long-term memory research. This sub-topic was picked for this example because it’s one not currently available to students taking this module. The assumption is that the student completed this project in 2018, and hence before the publication of Seabrooke et al. (2019).


Lab book (aka PsycEL)

Weeks indicate the weeks that the activities open. The activity closes at the end (23:59) of the Friday of the week after the week it opened. So, for example, if it in Week 1, then it would close Friday of Week 2.

After an activity has closed, the student must request their personal tutor to re-open it for them. This serves the function of giving personal tutors an early-warning of lack of progress on the part of their tutees.

When an activity is reopened, it reopens for two weeks, or until the final deadline, whichever is sooner. So, for example, if the tutor reopens on May 18 and the final deadline is May 21, the it only reopens until May 21.

The final deadline is the same day as the deadline for the main report

Beyond that deadline, only the module leader can reopen the activities, and this should only be done once it’s made clear to the student that they should apply for Extenuating Circumstances.

Model answers are given here for illustration, they should not appear on PsycEL.

The operation of this lab book is more like the PsycEL activities of PSYC412 etc, rather than the rather labour-intensive manual checking system tried in PSYC519. Exercises are marked as ‘complete’ (i.e. passed) if the material uploaded / pasted meets certain syntatical requirements that can be automatically checked on the server side.