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Research Methods in Practice

Group presentation: Feedback and marking sheet

Your group’s presentation was marked independently by two markers, who then agreed the following scores and feedback. The overall mark for each group was calculated by taking the mean across the nine scores below. The module leader took the set of overall marks, moderated them, and converted them to the grade you see below. This was done with reference to the generic marking criteria you can find in your Stage handbook. The mark awarded is for your group. Every member of the group who attended their group’s presentation gets this mark. Failure to attend results in a mark of zero.

Feedback for presentation

Slides given to workshop leader in good time

SCORE: Excellent

FEEDBACK: You emailed your slides to the workgroup leader the night before, and thus helped the session run smoothly.

Presentation is of appropriate length


FEEDBACK: You overran by about 2 minutes, leaving no time for questions and delaying the group the followed you.

Clarity of slides

SCORE: Excellent

FEEDBACK: Very clear, well done!

Clarity of speech


FEEDBACK: Some group members spoke so quietly it was hard to hear what was said. We got the main points, though.

Big picture overview

SCORE: Excellent

FEEDBACK: You were super clear on the big picture - well done!

Introducing the specific question and hypotheses


FEEDBACK: Although the slides were clear, the presenter made a couple of errors, which caused some temporary confusion.

Description of methodology

SCORE: Excellent

FEEDBACK: Everything we needed to know was here - well done!

Description of results


FEEDBACK: The presenter seemed a bit unclear on how to interpret a Bayes Factor.

Interpretation of results

SCORE: Excellent

FEEDBACK: Very clear, well done!

Discussion of next steps

SCORE: Excellent

FEEDBACK: Your ideas for next steps are very sensible.

Response to questions

SCORE: Patchy

FEEDBACK: Some answers implied that some of your group did not fully understand what they had been doing.

Advice on next steps

Nothing in this final section affected your mark. It’s frank feedback on your experiment and analysis, designed to help you plan for the next component of this module:

FEEDBACK: We completely agree with your next-step plans. Go for it!

Overall mark
