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Research Methods in Practice

Mark scheme for main report

Markers assess each report against each of the following criteria, using a five-point scale in each case (Poor, Patchy, OK, Good, Excellent). These scores are used by the marker to provide feedback comments throughout your report, and also some overall comments.

For each student, the module leader takes an average of these scores to generate an overall score for that student. These average scores are then moderated and converted to letter-grade scores (A+ through to N) using the generic definitions available in the Stage handbook. Where page limits have been exceeded, the module leader penalises the letter-grade marks as set out in the Stage handbook.

Abstract is clear and accurate

Abstract contains correct information

Introduction is clear and accurate

Introduction gives big-picture overview

Introduction outlines specific research area

Introduction gives rationale for current experiments

Participant sections are clear, accurate, and contain correct information

Sample sizes are justified through a power calculation

Apparatus and materials section is clear, accurate, and contain correct information

Procedure section is clear, accurate, and contain correct information.

Results section is overall clear, accurate, and contain correct information

Figures are clear and appropriate, lack clutter, and have meaningful axis labels and good font sizes

Figures have an appropriate figure legend that is referred to in the main text.

Results section includes appropriate and accurate summary statistics (e.g. means, density plots)

Results section includes appropriate and accurate inferential statistics (Bayesian ANOVA)

Discussion correctly and clearly summarises findings

Discussion correctly interprets findings

Discussion makes appropriate links to previous literature

Discussion provides good considerations of the limitations of the current studies

Discussion makes good, sensible suggestsion for future work

Discussion concludes appropriately.

Overall clarity of writing

Overall quality of grammar and spelling

Correct formatting of sections and sub-sections

Correct usage of APA-formatted citations and references