
Base Python

\ is a line continuation (allows one to split one logical line of code over multiple actual lines).


Provides core functions for dealing with multidimensional arrays; this provides R, or MATLAB, like vectorization. Also provides a bunch of other useful vectorized functions, such as random number generation, taking an exponent,

By convention, one does import numpy as np, and thus commands are refernced e.g. np.zeros(4).


Creating arrays

  • np.arange(4) returns array([0, 1, 2, 3]) - an array of size 4 whose components count up from zero.

  • np.array([[1,2],[3,4]]) returns a numpy array with those numbers in.

  • np.zeros(4) returns array([0, 0, 0, 0])

Querying arrays

  • np.argmax([3,1,9]) returns 2 i.e. the index of the largest value.

  • np.max([3, 1, 9]) returns 9, i.e. the value of the largest value.

  • np.shape([[1,3]]) returns (1, 2) i.e. one row, three columns

  • ` np.where(UCB_estimation == q_best)[0] , where UCB_estimation is a 1D array and q_best` is a scalar returns an array of indices of UCB_estimation which are equal to q_best.

Random numbers

  • np.randon.choice([4, 7, 2]) randomly returns 4, 7, or 2.

  • np.random.rand(2) returns two values from a random uniform distribution in range 0 to 1.

  • np.random.randn(3) returns three values from a random normal distribution (i.e. mean = 0, variance = 1, Gaussian) e.g. array([ 1.13611657, -1.0426574 , 0.64690621])

Scientific calculator

  • np.exp([1, 2, 3]) returns array([ 2.71828183, 7.3890561 , 20.08553692]) i.e. e to the power 1, 2, 3.

Basic stats

  • nparray.mean() returns the mean of the numpy array nparray.


Can be used for making a range of plots (cf. R: base, ggplot). The pyplot feature is designed to give a MATLAB-like interface. Some interesting ones:

  • violinplot


Easily add a progress bar to a loop.