
From a base install, we followed these instructions to install tensorflow-gpu , and then these instructions to allow normal users to run docker containers.

Then added: emacs, git, htop, screen, vim, neovim

Adding a user

  1. sudo adduser mynewuser

  2. For users we trust to use docker: sudo usermod -aG docker mynewuser

  3. For users needing somewhere to put large datasets, create a directory in \mnt\datasets\username and chown / chrp appropriately.


Don’t pay too much attention to the below, these are rough notes, and don’t represent (necessarily) how the system currently works.

Some R notes

Some links on using R with docker:

Some Jupyter notebooks notes

  1. Create a docker volume to keep your files in: docker volume create tensorflow-vol

  2. Start your docker instance docker run --gpus all -d -p 8888:8888 -v tensorflow-vol:/tf/objnt tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu-jupyter

  3. This will return a hash e.g. 91c4ed2a15bed01eeecdcc6a993a474f10868718b694d5e752502f46bfa520e6.

  4. Use the first few characters to get the URL for the jupyter notebook: docker exec 91 jupyter notebook list

  5. Open the notebook in your browser.

Make sure you save your files in your volume (which will appear as the objnt directory in this example. Any other location may be lost.

  • You can get a command into the container like this: docker exec -i -t 91 /bin/bash

Remote access

  • You can remotely access a jupyter notebook using an SSH tunnel from your local machine, e.g.:

ssh -L 8080:localhost:8888 usr@addr

where user@addr is replaced with the address of the remote machine, and your username on that machine.

You can then connect using your local browser to:


You will need the token to access this, which is given in the URL produced by the docker exec command above.