INTENTIONAL CONDITION Part 1 of 2 Your task in this experiment is to identify which cartoon faces belong to doctors and which to policemen. Please look closely at each cartoon face that you are shown, and figure out how you can tell whether the face is that of a policeman or a doctor. At first you will have to guess, but as we go on, you will be able to tell just by looking at the face. You will be presented with faces one at a time, along with a picture of a policeman's uniform and a picture of a doctor's uniform. Underneath these uniforms will be written the key you should press if you think the presented face goes with that uniform. For example, if you think the face is that of a policeman, press the key written under the policeman's uniform. After you make each decision, you will be told whether you are right or wrong, and shown the correct decision. You will be asked to decide about 24 pictures in this part of the experiment. Press SPACE when you are ready to start. Part 2 of 2 In this next part of the experiment, you will be shown mores faces, and you will be asked to decide on the appropriate uniform, based on the doctors and policemen you saw in the first part of the experiment. In this part, you will not be told whether your answers are right or wrong. There are about 130 decisions to make in this part of the experiment. Remember to base your decisions on the doctors and policemen you saw in the first part of the experiment. Press "b" when you are ready to start. INCIDENTAL CONDITION Part 1 of 2 This study concerns the recognition of people. Pictures of cartoon men will be shown to you one at a time. Each time you are shown a picture, you are asked to say whether or not you have been shown that picture before in this experiment. Press "Y" if you think you have, press "N" if you think you have not. You are then asked to rate your confidence in the decision you have just made: 1 - Not confident 2 - Neither confident nor unconfident 3 - Confident As this part of the experiment continues, you will begin to see many repetitions. You will be asked to decide about 24 pictures in this part of the experiment. Press SPACE when you are ready to start. Part 2 of 2 I'm sure you noticed that some of the cartoons were of doctors and some were of policemen. In this next part, you will be shown only the faces of different men, and you will be asked to decide on the appropriate uniform, based on the doctors and policemen you saw in the first part of the experiment. The two uniforms, along with the keys you need to press, will be shown on the screen. So, for example, if you think a face belongs on the doctor's uniform, then press the key corresponding to the doctor's uniform (the key you need to press will be shown on the screen). You will not be told whether your answers are right or wrong. There are about 130 decisions to make in this part of the experiment. Remember to base your decisions on the doctors and policemen you saw in the first part of the experiment. Press "b" when you are ready to start.