Data and Analysis Unit: EXE3
Last update: 2015-03-19 by Andy Wills
Pigeon go-left, go-right, visual discrimination task, reported in Maes et al. (in prep.)
This DAU contains stimulus files, raw data, and an analysis script, in open
cross-platform formats (see the file format notes).
The APA-format citation for this resource is:
Wills, A.J. (2014). Data and Analysis Unit: EXE3. Retrieved from
If you make use of these resources, please drop me an email:
- exe3stim.tbz (50 KB) - Stimulus image files
- exe3data.txt (2.7 MB) - Trial-level raw data.
Column headings are as follows:
- subj: Bird ID number (unique within EXE3). 1 = "At", 2 = "Ax", 3 = "Bw",
4 = "Fe", 5 = "He", 6 = "Mo", 7 = "Ta"
- Experiment phase ("T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5"). Note 1: In one session
for Bird 2, and one session for Bird 4, the T3 procedure was accidentally run
during another phase - is set to 'ErrorT3' for these sessions.
- date: Date of session (in YYYY-MM-DD format)
- time: 1 = first session on that date, 2 = second session on that date.
- sess: Session number (resets for each phase)
- trial: Trial number (resets for each session). Note 2: A few sessions have fewer trials than
expected - this is due to birds occasionally ceasing to peck before session end. Note 3: A few
sessions have more trials than expected - this is due to experimenter error. These sessions
contain the appropriate trial types for the phase, just slightly too many of them.
- stimtype: Logical stimulus type, as referred to in Maes et al. (in prep.)
- stim: Filename of physical stimulus presented, as in exe3stim.tbz
- trialtype: L+ = go-left trial. R+ = go-right trial.
- acc: 1 = First peck is correct; 0 = First peck is incorrect.
- exe3analysis.R (3 KB) - R script for analyses
reported in Maes et al. (in prep.). This script can be run by the command
source('exe3analysis.R'), or can be run interactively.