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Research Methods in Practice

How to release marks on Moodle (DLE)

Michael Verde

These steps should only be done by the module leader. They should also only be done once all marks have been finalised (i.e. post marking and moderation).

  1. Click the DLE submission link, then view all submissions.

  2. At the top drop-down menu (where is says “separate groups”), select “All participants” - this might already be selected.

2a. If not already done so: from the Grading Action drop down menu at the top, select “Reveal Student Identities”

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Under Options, be sure the “Assignments per page” is set to “All”. Now scroll back to the top of the page. Just above where the rows of student records start, on the left, check the box “Select”. This will select every student record.

  2. At the bottom of the page, from the “With selected…” drop down menu, choose “Set marking workflow state (Release grades and feedback)”

  3. Hit Go. (you will be asked to confirm, then continue)

  4. Not done yet! On the next page that appears, from the “marking workflow” drop down menu at the bottom, select “Release”

  5. Notify students should remain at “No”

  6. Save Changes