This is a “pro” worksheet, meaning that it assumes familiarity with the material covered in sections up to and including Going Further With R. For this worksheet, you’ll need to use the rminr-data project; details of how to access this are provided on the preprocessing worksheet. Once you’ve opened that project, create a file anova5.R in which to enter your R commands.

Two-factor within-subjects

In More on Bayesian ANOVA we looked at the simplest possible way of doing this kind of analysis within R. There is a reasonable case to be made that the approach we took there is too simple. In particular, it assumes that the true size of the effect is the same in every participant. In other words, it assumes the absence of individual differences. As discussed by van den Berg et al. (2022), this is not only unlikely to be true, where there is more than one within-subjects factor, it can also lead to substantively different conclusions to a traditional (NHST) ANOVA. This led them to propose an alternative analysis that is more similar in concept to the traditional analysis. In what follows we demonstrate how to do this analysis for the same data set as used in Exercise 2 of More on Bayesian ANOVA.

Whether emulating the models of traditional ANOVA is in itself the best thing to do is debatable, as traditional ANOVA is potentially problematic in a number of respects other than the use of NHST. However, this is a discussion that we’ll leave for another time - if you’re curious, read Rouder et al. (2022).

Load and preprocess data

The following commands are part of the answer to Exercise 2 of More on Bayesian ANOVA and are not discussed further here:

# Load packages
# Load data, select Test phase, select appropriate columns, drop NAs
raw <- read_csv('case-studies/chris-mitchell/priming-faces.csv') %>%
  filter(Running == "Test") %>%
  select(Subject, Congruency, Load, RT) %>%
# Create subject-level summary
priming <- raw %>%
    mutate(Subject = factor(Subject), Congruency = factor(Congruency),
           Load = factor(Load)) %>%
  group_by(Subject, Congruency, Load) %>% summarise(RT = mean(RT))

Calculate some initial Bayes factors

Enter this code into your script and run it; it may take a minute or so to produce a result:

# Calculate Bayes Factors
BFo <- generalTestBF(
    formula = RT ~ Congruency*Load + Subject + Subject:Congruency + Subject:Load,
    data = data.frame(priming),
    whichRandom = "Subject",
    neverExclude = c("Subject", "Subject:Congruency", "Subj:Load"),
    whichModels = "all"
# Display Bayes Factors
Bayes factor analysis
[1] Congruency + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject                          : 1.883333e+30 ±1.15%
[2] Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject                                : 7.871082e+33 ±0.79%
[3] Congruency:Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject                     : 2.085742e+30 ±6.18%
[4] Congruency + Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject                   : 2.734706e+33 ±1.83%
[5] Congruency + Congruency:Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject        : 6.585271e+29 ±1.56%
[6] Load + Congruency:Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject              : 2.940871e+33 ±2.25%
[7] Congruency + Load + Congruency:Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject : 1.240869e+33 ±20.75%
[8] Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject                                       : 5.655589e+30 ±0.38%

Against denominator:
  Intercept only 
Bayes factor type: BFlinearModel, JZS

Explanation of command

Much of the above code is the same as previous worksheets and is not re-described here. The new components are:

generalTestBF - Where you previously used the anovaBF command, we now use this more powerful command, which we need in order to do this more complex analysis.

formula = RT ~ Congruency*Load + Subject + Subject:Congruency + Subject:Load - This specifies what you wish to calculate. It has the same form as the simpler calculation you did in Exercise 2, but adds two new terms: Subject:Congruency and Subject:Load. The : means “interaction”. So, the two new terms we’re adding here are an interaction of the Subject factor with the Congruency condition, and an interaction of the Subject factor with the Load condition. These interactions allow for the possibility that (i) the true size of the effect of congruency differs between individuals, and (ii) the true size of the effect of Load differs between individuals.

neverExclude = c("Subject", "Subject:Congruency", "Subj:Load"), whichModels = "all" - There is nothing conceptually deep about these two lines of code, they just tell the generalTestBF command to generate the set of Bayes Factors we need in the next step. When using this code with your own data, all you need to do is ensure that the neverExclude terms include the Subject factor, and the interaction of that factor with each of your two within-subject factors (in this case Congruency and Load)

Explanation of output

Although longer, the table is much the same as the one we saw in Exercise 2. Each row is a Bayes Factor, and in each case that Bayes Factor is calculated against a null model (Intercept only - the model that RT is unaffected by any of the factors, including the participants). So, for example, [8] Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject has a large BF in favour of the alternative model that RT is affected by individual differences in overall RT and the size of the Congruency and Load effects.

Calculate further Bayes Factors

In this (and many other) experiments, our focus is on the overall effect of our experimental manipulation (Congruency, Load) on RT, rather than on individual differences. We can get Bayes Factors for these effects by using the subject model (model 8 above), rather than the intercept, as the null model.

We do this in much the same way as we calculated the Bayes Factor for the interaction in Exercise 2, i.e. by the / operator. What we want to do is apply that operator for each of the models, which we can do with the following command:

# Recalculate Bayes Factors, taking subject model as denominator model
BF <- BFo[-length(BFo)] / BFo[length(BFo)]
# Display results
Bayes factor analysis
[1] Congruency + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject                          : 0.3330038 ±1.21%
[2] Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject                                : 1391.735  ±0.87%
[3] Congruency:Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject                     : 0.368793  ±6.19%
[4] Congruency + Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject                   : 483.5404  ±1.87%
[5] Congruency + Congruency:Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject        : 0.1164383 ±1.61%
[6] Load + Congruency:Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject              : 519.9937  ±2.29%
[7] Congruency + Load + Congruency:Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject : 219.4058  ±20.76%

Against denominator:
  RT ~ Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject 
Bayes factor type: BFlinearModel, JZS

Explanation of output

The effect of this command is to give us a Bayes Factor for each of the other models, relative to the subject model. It achieves this in the following way:

Explanation of command

length(BFo) - This gives the number of rows in the table of results (8 in this case)

BFo[length(BFo)] - This returns the last row of the table

BFo[-length(BFo)] - The - operator in this case means “remove”, so this returns all the rows apart from the last one.

BFo[-length(BFo)] / BFo[length(BFo)] - Putting the two previous commands together, this gives us a BF for each of the models (except the last one), compared to the last one.

Pruning the Bayes Factors

That’s quite a lot of Bayes Factors! Some of these, we’re not going to use. Specifically, there are Bayes Factors in that list for models where interactions between the manipulated factors (Congruency, Load) are assumed without the presence of corresponding main effects of those manipulated factors. For example, model 3 is Congruency:Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject, which includes an interaction between Congurency and Load, but not a main effect of either Congruency or Load. These kinds of models are ill-defined, which is sometimes considered to be a bad thing. So, we won’t consider them here. A relatively accessible discussion of the problems of ill-defined models is provided by Rouder et al. (2022)

We remove the models that are ill-defined on the manipulated factors by identifying them manually, and then removing them from the list. In this case, the ill-defined models are 3, 5 and 6; and we remove them using the - operator.

# Remove ill-defined models
BFp <- BF[-c(3, 5, 6)]
# Display remaining set
Bayes factor analysis
[1] Congruency + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject                          : 0.3330038 ±1.21%
[2] Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject                                : 1391.735  ±0.87%
[3] Congruency + Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject                   : 483.5404  ±1.87%
[4] Congruency + Load + Congruency:Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject : 219.4058  ±20.76%

Against denominator:
  RT ~ Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject 
Bayes factor type: BFlinearModel, JZS

Main effects

At this point, we have an table of Bayes Factors of the same form as Exercise 2 of the previous worksheet. Row 1 is the main effect of Conrguency. Row 2 is the main effect of Load. The Bayes Factors are not quite the same as in Exercise 2 - we shouldn’t expect them to be, as this is a different test. But the conclusions are the same. There is moderate evidence for the null in the case of Congruency, and strong evidence for an effect of Load.


Finally, as in Exercise 2, we assess evidence for the interaction by comparing two models - the model that contains just the two main effects (model 3), and the model that also contains the interaction term (model 4)

# Calculate Bayes Factor for interaction
BFp[4] / BFp[3]
Bayes factor analysis
[1] Congruency + Load + Congruency:Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject : 0.4537487 ±20.84%

Against denominator:
  RT ~ Congruency + Load + Subject + Congruency:Subject + Load:Subject 
Bayes factor type: BFlinearModel, JZS

Again, the Bayes Factor is not the same as before, because this is a different test, but the conclusion is similar - there is moderate evidence for the absence of an interaction.

Robustness of analysis

You might feel a bit uneasy that the results of two analyses - both called Bayesian ANOVAs - are not exactly the same. You should not. Analyzing data always involves making assumptions about those data and the underlying psychological processes that generated them. For example, here, the assumptions you make about the presence of individual differences can matter for your conclusions about the presence of group effects. Making reasonable assumptions is part of being a scientist, and your conclusions can be affected by the assumptions that you make.

What we saw in this case was that Exercise 2, and the current analysis, led to largely the same substantive conclusions, despite starting from different assumptions. When this happens, it increases our confidence in the conclusions we have drawn - we say the analysis is robust across a range of assumptions. If your substantive conclusions depend on your assumptions, and those assumptions are not well founded, then your data may not be good enough to answer your questions.

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