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A set of lectures on the basics of thinking critically, applied to the study of psychology as a science. In recent years, the material has expanded to include things that complement the RMINR materials.

Evaluating experiments check-list

Score for clarity of hypothesis (0-2):

Score (no: 0, yes: 1):

Score (no: 0, yes: 1):

Score for clarity (0-2):

Score for clarity of the intended independent variable (0-2):

Score for level of control of confounding variables (0-2):

Score for level of control of pre-existing differences (0-2):

Score for attrition (0 = serious issues, 2 = no issues, 0-2) : 2

Control for participant effects (0-2):

Score for experimenter effects (0-2):

TOTAL SCORE: (out of 18).