Hi, Version 0.9.1 of the 'catlearn' package is now available. Catlearn is an archive of thirteen formal models of categorization and learning. It's free and open source software ... and always will be. It has been downloaded 32,000 times. Version 0.9.1 is an upgrade release with two new models (Models 4 and 5 from Paskewitz & Jones, 2020), and (non-breaking) improvements to the Gluck & Bower (1988) implementation. Catlearn is a package for R, and is very easy to install within that environment. Make sure you're running the latest version of R, and then type: install.packages('catlearn') and then library(catlearn). For a tutorial introduction to catlearn, and the Open Models initiative more generally, see Wills et al. (2017). There is also information here: https://andywills.info/catlearn Thanks to all the contributors to catlearn, and particular thanks to Lenard Dome who contributed new code for the version 0.9.1 release. All the best Andy 2022-03-28 Wills, A.J., O'Connell, G., Edmunds, C.E.R., & Inkster, A.B.(2017). Progress in modeling through distributed collaboration: Concepts, tools, and category-learning examples. The Psychology of Learning and Motivation