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A set of lectures on the basics of thinking critically, applied to the study of psychology as a science. In recent years, the material has expanded to include things that complement the RMINR materials.

Science, truth, and honesty

P = passive A = active

Time Event Type
0:00 Session start  
0:05 Introduce myself, session intro, asking qu.s, limitations of emails P
0:08 Topics, truth as property of claims P
0:14 Subjective and objective claims P
0:16 Cabbage vs. chocolate poll (zoom) A
0:19 Vague claims are subjective P
0:21 Objective claims poll (zoom) A
0:26 Scientific claims … ODATBIF P
0:48 ACTIVITY 1: Claims A tot 25
1:12 Reflect on claims activity, take Q & A A
1:22 Culture of science intro P
1:24 Stapel, Smeesters P
1:31 Ap D., Reproducibility project P
1:41 ACTIVITY 2 Intro: Does it replicate? P
1:55 Rstudio login note - Scheduled session end  
2:00 All over  

Poll 2: Subjective versus objective claims

Poll items:

Activity 1: Scientific claims

Some examples I came up with:

Developmental - “As a baby, most of my dreams were about my mother” (0/6)

Clinical- “Anxious people should avoid loud noises” (2/6)

Neuroscience - “Any given neuron in this person’s brain is either excitatory or inhibitory, but not both” - - All but appropriately context-independent

Activity 2: Does it replicate?

Some answers for this activity can be found here.